​A new Google tool allows webmasters to garner feedback from site visitors so they can improve usability for higher search rankings.

Webmasters have requested more information from Google to better help them optimize their sites for usability and visibility.Brafton reportedon a recent Matt Cutts video, in which he notified viewers that Google plans to introduce new reports andcontent analyticsto webmasters in the very near future, and a few days later it seems SEOs will get a little help compiling user experience feedback about their sites.

In an Official Google Webmasterblog post, the company introduces the website satisfaction surveys feature. By inserting a small snippet of HTML code into a site’s structure, a company can display a discreet satisfaction survey in the lower right-hand corner of its website. Google will analyze responses and provide webmasters with a report.

Brands that focus on user experience and publishhigh-quality web contentwant to know if their efforts are paying off – now Google makes this task easier than ever before. The website satisfaction survey will display four questions to each visitor, and the event runs until it generates 500 responses. When a survey receives the allotted amount of responses, it starts up again after 30 days to reflect changes made by the webmaster. This feature is free, but has a paid alternative for more questions per survey.

Visit the Official Google Webmaster Blog for details on how to set up the feature.

Ted Karczewski is an Executive Communications Associate at Brafton. He works to develop his own voice and apply his passions to the evolving world of SEO and content marketing, but he doesn't shy away from writing for fun. After graduating from Suffolk University, Ted used his Communications degree to test out Sports Journalism before Marketing at Brafton.