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Drive traffic & build awareness with “Moments,” Twitter’s new ad format


Twitter is turning marketers & brands loose to curate their own Twitter Moments to drive traffic & increase brand awareness with formatted, attractive posts.

Study: 60% of companies struggle to measure social media marketing ROI


New data shows companies use social marketing for branding, and then struggle to measure the return. Here’s how to gauge long-term success. Virtually every brand has a social presence, but […]

What marketers need to know about Facebook’s new “Reactions”


4 things to know about Facebook’s new reaction buttons, with information straight from the social network’s official statement.

How a finance brand earned 716% more Facebook fans with contests


Industry: Finance Content: Social media contests Highlights: 716% follower increase within six months People are picky about the brands they follow on social media. Most audiences want to be entertained […]

3 must-haves for a winning social media strategy


欧r client understood the importance of social media, but didn’t have the time or resource to post consistently. Here are three ways we boosted Facebook engagement and brought more referral traffic to their website.

The biggest social network? Still Facebook. (But growth is slow)


Pew Research shows Facebook is still the biggest social media network, but visual networks are gaining traction quickly – and marketers should follow suit.

Google & Twitter partnership takes flight as Tweets appear in search results


Google recently announced it’s showing Tweets in SERPs for all English queries, and displaying them on mobile results as well.

Expand your brand: Twitter ads now extend to mobile apps


Still under the impression your audience doesn’t use social media? Based on these demographics we’d disagree, but now Twitter has an advertising option that people can appreciate even if they […]

The truth about social media marketing for lead generation


Social media ranked the lowest on a list of 15 different lead generation tactics. Here’s how B2Bs can get more leads from social media.