
A spokesman for Winston-Salem’s Davidson Food Processing – wearing a black mask on which the words "powered by Google" were written in Japanese characters – told reporters in the wake of the daring search engine optimization (SEO) assault that it had taken action to prevent what it described as "total hegemony of the plutocratic peanut processors. Free the peanut!"



凯瑟琳·格里沃特(Katherine Griwert)是布拉夫顿(Brafton)的市场总监。她练习了内容营销,SEO和社交营销已有五年多了,她对新媒体的热情甚至更深。凯瑟琳(Katherine)拥有波士顿学院(Boston College)的美国研究学位,她的写作在许多网络出版物中都有特色。