Heads up, marketers: Google just upgraded the iOS version of their search app. Their aim is to create more seamless UX for users searching on iPhones and iPads by loading all pages 10 percent faster and displaying Accelerated Mobile Page content in results. Google’s underlying goal has always been to connect searchers with the information they’re looking for, and now that AMP is available on the iOS app, it’s clear that marketers can’t ignore the need to optimize for the format. AMP has created new opportunities for marketers to reach their audience, and with each new update those opportunities will continue to expand.


The Google search app is so popular on Android, and AMP is so popular on mobile browsers that it’s not surprising Google is bringing the two together for iOS users.

在过去的一年中,即时移动内容已成为整个平台的标准配置。而现在,Google正在赶上“ Instant”的整体比赛。

  • 2015年7月:Microsoft没有实时和即时做任何事情,除非您计算他们的自动Windows 10更新。
  • 2016年2月:Google宣布AMP

AMPing up your site


The design of the AMP result cards will help to drive clicks and impressions, which in turn positively affect SEO, even though AMP itself is not a ranking factor. Google also rewards quick load times and good UX, both of which can be improved when you develop AMP pages.

在AMP Tiles加入了知识图,Twitter卡,本地3包结果,广告以及LIVE和其他特色结果,在Google SERP的首页上拥有传统的文本链接已经变得越来越效率audience’s attention.

Not only do AMP results gives you an opportunity to be listed in an appealing format more prominently on Google results, but their existence pushes all other listings lower. Organic traffic decreases dramatically for each successive listing, and according to a 2014 Advanced Web Ranking study, the first Google result received点击的31%, while the second saw only 14 percent, and the third, less than 10 percent. The 10 traditional listings will still exist on page one, but the prime real estate at the top of mobile SERPs is now being taken up by AMP results whether users are searching on mobile browsers or through the Google app.


放大器不仅比传统站点快85%,而且该应用程序的新升级使得all pages更快地加载,让人们可以使用更少的摩擦来访问您的内容。现在,该站点的加载速度比以前版本的应用程序快10%,用户每年节省650万小时的集体。

You want to serve your users as quickly as possible to keep them engaged, interested and undistracted. According to Kissmetrics, 47 percent of people will等待大约两秒钟for a page to load, and 40 percent will hit the back button if it takes more than three seconds regardless of whether they’re browsing on desktop or mobile.

即使使用AMP,同样的“内容营销101”最佳实践仍然适用于吸引观众的注意力并吸引他们进入click to your contentinstead of losing them to your competitor’s’ links:

  1. 用尽可能少的单词写一个可操作的,引人注目的标题。
  2. 选择一个吸引人的(和原始)图像,该图像将从其他放大器结果中脱颖而出。
  3. 使用坚实的简短介绍副本,以防止快节奏的受众在点击时弹跳。如果您不立即回答他们的问题,他们将寻找下一个最快的页面。


就像Google的传统搜索算法一样,选择放大器的方式并不公开。但是,正如Google通过将AMP扩展到其iOS应用程序来缩小服务差距的努力所证明的那样,更多的更新和更改即将到来 - 最有可能以本地,B2C和SMB选项的形式进行。


在启用AMP的页面上托管内容可能并不适合所有人。直到我们可以肯定地说Google如何选择网站为AMP结果之前,所有企业都可以立即参与其中。AMP内容往往是新闻,博客或其他非地面页面副本,但是这些页面上的广告可能会导致着陆页 - 特别是您的着陆页。


Your audience is already using AMP, so that’s where you need to target your content. If you’re already optimized for AMP, you’re ahead of the game. If you aren’t, it’s a good time to get on board as Google inevitably continues to promote fast-loading, mobile-friendly content formats.

本·西尔弗曼(Ben Silverman)是布拉夫顿(Brafton)的营销作家。他的写作经验可以追溯到他为UMass Amherst的UMass Daily Collegian评论音乐的时间。Ben以古典和爵士业的营销背景加入Brafton。当他不写作时,他正在弹鼓,吉他或篮球。