Infographics are a great resource for holiday content marketing promotions, particularly in the tech industry in which over half of brands outsource graphic production.

Most brands want create promotional resources for their holiday campaigns, but many of them just don’t have tools and skills to accomplish this in-house. That’s why so many companies – particularly in the tech industry – turn to outsourcingcontent marketingfor their seasonal needs

According to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2014 B2B Content Marketingreport, 75 percent of tech companies outsource their writing production to third-party businesses. More importantly, 51 percent of them outsource graphic design work to contractors and marketing firms. It’s natural for brands to need written material for their websites, by why the emphasis on visuals?

AsBrafton reported, infographics are one of the fastest-growing content marketing formats, as 62 percent of marketers use them to promote their businesses. Many companies, and particularly those in the technology space, often find the unique blend of readability and eye-catching design make infographics perfect as a resource.

This is doubly trueduring the holidays, because creating a single large piece of content and working around it with email and social media marketing is the best way to get the best seasonal bang for your buck.

Want to learn more about visual content marketing? Check out thisinfographic about infographics.

Alex Butzbach is a Marketing Writer at Brafton. He studied Communications at Boston College, and after a brief stint teaching English in Japan, he entered the world of content marketing. When he isn't writing and researching, he can be found on a bike somewhere in Metro Boston.