Scary but true alert: Marketers want to control your brain.

Now, it’s not quite a “Manchurian Candidate” situation, but it’s not that far off, either.



The effect is almost undetectable. We may all think that we’re the masters of our own minds, but the reality is we’re incredibly susceptible to brand messaging, and our purchasing decisions are often determined in some fashion by our impressions of different brands. It can be as overt as choosing luxury brands over more cost-conscious products, but it’s just as often far more subliminal than that.

Psychology Today noted that emotions在消费者行为中发挥巨大作用,帮助确定我们购买的产品。

考虑一下:Everyone has certain brand preferences that really defy rational explanation (all things being things equal, I’ll go with Duracell over Energizer every day of the week and twice on Sunday – Energizer Bunny be damned).

随着时间的推移,我们制定的情感al connections to brands that stick in our heads, and when the time comes to make a purchase, whether it be paper towels, laundry detergent or AAA batteries, we gravitate toward those specific product lines.


SEO: Marketing for Google’s ‘brain’


在Google处理数字并考虑了不同的变量之后,其算法根据用户想要找到的内容返回搜索结果。结果通常可以就在鼻子上。If you Google “Taco Bell near me,” odds are you’ll get a list of Taco Bells in your general vicinity (unless, of course, there are no Taco Bells in your area, in which case I’ll shed a single tear for you next time I’m chowing down on a Quesarito).




Good content marketing should bridge the gap between time-tested brand messaging practices and the ever-evolving SEO game. What makes good content marketing? Here are a few tips to get you on the right path:

1. Give readers value:

曾经有一段时间,企业可以在其网站的后代进行一些调整,将大量关键字塞入一堆措辞不佳的博客中,并将其称为一天。值得庆幸的是,那些日子早已一去不复返了。像威廉·“冰箱”佩里,Google的算法不是愚蠢的饼干. It’s grown more sophisticated with each new update, and it’s gotten awfully good at distinguishing valuable content from pages that are simply trying to game the system.

Whether you’re answering a question, offering helpful tips and tricks or presenting your unique take on the latest trending topic, your content needs to provide real value to walk that line between SEO and branding. While factors like keywords remain important to SEO ranking, they’re merely parts of the equation, not silver bullets in and of themselves.

2. Read the Google tea leaves:

Keep your eyes peeled for new updates to Google’s algorithm that could affect your site’s ranking and performance. While Google itself is unlikely to ever detail how exactly you should change your SEO strategy to align with its latest updates, there are numerous sites out there to help you out. As long as you’re always watching for the next development and able to respond quickly, you’ll avoid taking a huge hit to your SEO ranking.


这可以追溯到那个人类元素。我们之前已经讨论过,但是点熊重复:您的品牌声音是您与现场访问者互动的第一方式and communicate brand values and messaging.将其搞砸了,您的关键字策略有多甜美。


4. Align your content with visitor intent:

So, you have content to engage site visitors at every stage of the sales funnel. That’s great. But are you absolutely certain the individual pieces of contentmatch the visitor’s intent? A thought leadership blog that pushes readers to a sales demo could be a bit premature, for instance. You want to meticulously lay out your content so each piece is seamlessly moving leads down the funnel. Don’t get greedy and rush the process.

When done right, content marketing is the perfect combination of branding and SEO best practices, satisfying Google’s mathematical criteria for relevance while engaging readers on an emotional level. It’s truly the happy medium between man and machine. I guess you could say it’s a lot like Robocop.

*Strokes chin*


杰夫·克莱尔(Jeff Keleher)is a writer and editor at Brafton. A man of simple tastes, he enjoys playing guitar, playing video games and playing with his dog - sometimes all at once. He still hasn't gotten over Illinois' loss in the 2005 NCAA National Championship game, and he probably never will.