Knowing when you’ve done an appropriate amount of research is the first step to producing timely and relevant content.


How to Conduct Pre-Research for SEO Keywords

The idea behind conducting pre-research is to make your actual research as efficient as possible.

内容Land founder and Forbes contributor Cameron Conaway discusses this concept in a recent article. Conaway had a problem: His SEO research produced measurable results, but it lacked operational efficiency. He was getting distracted by shiny new SEO tools and was spending too much time chasing the ever-changing RankBrain algorithm down dark holes.

To optimize his research, Conaway identified two concepts that he could leverage to improve his SEO research. He labeled the first “Arena States” and the second “Edge States.”

Under Conaway’s definition, keywords in the Arena State are related to your topic but are unlikely to surface in an SEO tool. These keywords are not common search terms, but Conaway argues that, in today’s competitive landscape, no audience segment can be ignored. These keywords can be very helpful for niche topics where competitors are fighting for dominance over a small set of search terms.

Conaway将Edge State关键字定义为在您的行业中尚不司空见惯的术语,但很快就会变得更加流行。这些很难识别,但值得一试。与主题专家交谈可能会帮助您确定成为司空见惯的关键字。

For examples of Arena State and Edge State keywords,read the whole article.




A recent guide from Search Engine Land contributor and Aira co-founder Paddy Moogan shows you everything you need to know about on-page SEO. As Moogan notes, writing effective content requires more than a passing knowledge about keywords. In his piece, Moogan covers everything from page titles to internal linking strategies. And yes, he covers metadata.

This guide is especially useful for anyone building pages with custom HTML or cascading style sheets. When you use a template, header tags are pre-defined. You simply write a title and Google knows it’s a title. If you’re going the custom-route, you have to make sure titles are defined as such.

If that’s a surprise to you, be sure toread the entire piece.

7 Ways to Use Google Trends for SEO & Content Marketing

对于小型的SEO和专业人士,才刚刚开始自己​​的职业道路,很难跟上大型球员。毕竟,如果您无法访问企业级SEO研究工具,那么您应该如何将内容访问Google Results的第一页?

Thankfully, Google is here to lend you hand – for free. Google Trends is a free-to-use platform that shows search trends going back as far as data is available. The tool is commonly used to show trends in keyword popularity, to compare two search terms or to settle debates at the bar.

Sometimes, you just need to be able to prove that Kanye was more popular than Taylor Swift in 2016. And sometimes your friends will refuse to pay up because you “didn’t shake on it.” Such is life.

Search Engine Journal does understand the value of being a know-it-all. They created a helpful list of ways SEOs can leverage Google Trends to plan future content and create an efficient schedule. They provide several insightful tips, such as how to narrow your data set down to a relevant audience segment.

For the complete list,check out the article.


亚历山大·桑托(Alexander Santo)是居住在华盛顿的Brafton作家。他喜欢寻找完美的咖啡,浏览二手书店和参加朋克摇滚音乐会的完美咖啡。